Understanding Waqf Amendment Bill: Why millions are petitioning the govt

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Waqf Amendment Bill Waqf Board

New Delhi: The institution of Waqf, deeply embedded in Islamic tradition, has long been a contentious issue in India, marked by legal disputes, confusion, and controversy. As Prime Minister Narendra Modi's administration seeks to reform this system, the debate has intensified, highlighting the complexities of Waqf's role in religious, cultural, and legal spheres.

What is Waqf?

Waqf refers to a form of Islamic endowment where property is permanently dedicated for religious or charitable causes. In theory, this practice is meant for altruistic purposes, but in reality, it has sparked numerous controversies due to alleged mismanagement and unauthorized claims over extensive land areas.

The controversy over Waqf properties

One of the main issues is the vast number of properties claimed by Waqf. Across India, properties from private lands to valuable urban real estate have been listed as Waqf, often without adequate documentation or consent from owners. This has led to numerous legal challenges where individuals find their properties unexpectedly registered as Waqf.

Commercial exploitation of Waqf lands

Another significant concern is the commercial exploitation of Waqf properties. Intended for charitable use, many of these lands have been leased out for profit-making ventures, which has drawn criticism, especially from Hindu groups, arguing that this practice distorts the original charitable intent of Waqf.

The BJP's Waqf Amendment Bill

Under Modi's leadership, the BJP has introduced amendments to the Waqf Act aimed at tightening regulations, enhancing transparency, and preventing the misuse of Waqf properties. These reforms intend to ensure that Waqf lands serve their designated purposes. While these changes have faced opposition from some Islamic groups who view them as an infringement on religious rights, proponents see them as essential to stop the exploitation of Waqf for personal gain.

Expected changes post-2024 amendment

If enacted, the amendments would mandate rigorous verification of Waqf claims, restrict commercial exploitation, and enforce transparency within Waqf Boards, which have been criticized for corruption and mismanagement. The goal is to strike a balance between religious freedoms and public accountability.

Political context: Congress and Waqf properties

Critics of the Congress party have accused it of converting valuable evacuee properties into Waqf as a political strategy to court minority votes, which has further complicated the land ownership issues in India.

Exclusivity in Waqf management

The Waqf system also faces criticism for its exclusionary practices, notably the absence of representation from women, Bohras, or Aga Khanis in Waqf Boards, highlighting the need for a more inclusive governance model.

Public response: The email campaign

The proposed reforms have triggered a significant public response, with numerous Hindu organizations sending millions of emails to the government, urging the passage of the Waqf Amendment Bill. This reflects a broad demand for transparency and accountability in Waqf property management.

Way forward

The Waqf debate in India transcends legal boundaries, touching on deep-seated political and religious issues. The BJP's push for reform through the Waqf Amendment Bill is an attempt to address long-standing grievances, promote transparency, and ensure equitable governance. While opposition exists, the call for reform underscores a broader societal demand for justice and fairness in how religious endowments are managed.
