Supreme Court of India's official YouTube channel hacked

Shailesh Khanduri
Updated On
New Update
Supreme Court Youtube Channel Hacked Ripple

Screenshot of Supreme Court's Youtube channel home page

New Delhi: The Supreme Court of India's official YouTube channel was hacked on Friday, replacing its content with an advertisement for Ripple, a cryptocurrency known for its Ripple Payment and Exchange Network.

The Supreme Court of India, one of the most revered institutions in the country, found its digital presence compromised when users tuning into the channel for legal insights or live court proceedings were instead greeted with promotional content for Ripple, a cryptocurrency.

The top court has been using YouTube to stream hearings of cases listed before Constitution Benches and matters involving public interest.

The hack not only highlights the risk to digital platforms but also underscores the audacity with which cybercriminals target even the most secure entities.

Pertinently, the hacking of popular video channels by scammers is rampant and Ripple has itself sued YouTube for failing to stop hackers from impersonating its CEO Brad Garlinghouse.

Sources added that the administration of the Supreme Court was currently looking into the hacking of the YouTube channel.
