Delhi Police arrest NewsClick founder Prabir Purkayastha, HR head Amit Chakravarty

Shailesh Khanduri
New Update
Prabir Purkayastha

Prabir Purkayastha (File photo)

New Delhi: Delhi Police on Tuesday officially said it questioned 46 suspects including 37 male and 9 female suspects linked with NewsClick.

The special cell of Delhi Police searched 30 locations connected with online news portal NewsClick and its journalists in a case filed under the anti-terror law UAPA following allegations that it received money for pro-China propaganda and later in the day sealed its office.

In a media handout, the Delhi Police said, “A total of 37 male suspects have been questioned at premises, 09 female suspects have been questioned at their respective places of stay and digital devices, documents etc. have been seized/collected for examination.”

Stating that the proceedings are still ongoing; Delhi Police said that two accused, Prabir Purkayastha and Amit Chakravarty have been arrested so far.

Among those questioned were journalists Urmilesh, Aunindyo Chakravarty, Abhisar Sharma, Paranjoy Guha Thakurta as well as historian Sohail Hashmi and D Raghunandan of the Centre for Technology & Development.

Police posed a list of 25 questions on various issues, including their foreign travels, protests against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act in Shaheen Bagh as well as the farmers' agitation, sources said.

Those being questioned have been divided into three categories, A, B and C, sources said.
