After PM Modi leaves France, BJP sees Rahul Gandhi behind EU resolution on Manipur

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Amit Malviya and Rahul Gandhi

Amit Malviya and Rahul Gandhi

New Delhi: BJP on Saturday attacked Rahul Gandhi blaming the Congress leader's hand in European Union Parliament's resolution on Manipur.

European Parliament on Thursday adopted a resolution on the human rights situation in India, with particular reference to the recent clashes in Manipur.

Also read: Why India must intervene in the France riots

The resolution came on a day when Prime Minister Narendra Modi was landing as a Guest of Honour of the National Day of an EU member France.

However, the ruling BJP chose to attack Rahul Gandhi and EU immediately after PM Modi concluded his France visit.

BJP National Spokesperson Amit Malviya took Twitter to question if there is any pattern indicating Rahul Gandhi's hand in EU parliament's resolution on Manipur.

"It can’t be a mere coincidence that EU Parliament proposed to debate the conflict in Manipur, which it has no business venturing into, soon after Rahul Gandhi visits the state. Lets look at the sequence of events," said Malviya.

Presenting the chronology of events, Malviya said, "Rahul Gandhi goes to London and seeks foreign intervention in India’s internal matters. Then he politicises the unfortunate conflict in Manipur, which is completely a legacy of the Congress, visits Manipur and next we see a foreign power wanting to sit in judgment on an issue, that is internal to India." 

Malviya also attacked EU Parliament for not holding any debate on the recent France rioting.

"Interestingly, EU Parliament didn’t hold any debate or discussion on the recent riots in France," wrote Malviya.

Malviya then said tt is quite obvious that Rahul Gandhi is leaning on foreign powers, from America to Europe, to settle domestic political scores. 

"He is openly, brazenly and willingly collaborating with global syndicates, that are working to undermine India’s strategic and geopolitical interests, Malviya accused.

Malviya was responding to Gandhi's tweet attacking PM Modi's silence on Manipur Violence.
