Three elephants electrocuted to death in Assam’s Kamrup

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Guwahati: Three elephants were killed due to electrocution in Assam’s Kamrup district on Friday, a forest official said.

The incident occurred in Rani Bagan, about 30 km from here, after a herd of pachyderms entered the area past midnight in search of food and came in contact with the live wires, he said.

“As the herd was passing through a betel nut farm, one of the elephants perhaps hit a tree which fell on an electricity pole, dislodging wires. The three elephants came in contact with the live wires and were electrocuted to death,” an official said.

Locals said they heard a loud noise around 2.30 am and thought that elephants came to the area probably in search of food.

Villagers spotted the carcasses in the morning and informed the forest officials.

Arrangements are being made for post-mortem examinations of the carcasses, the official said.

“It appears to be a case of electrocution, with no foul play involved apparently. But we are investigating it,” he added.
